Financial Ratios Complete List and Guide to All Financial Ratios

financial ratios examples

A quick analysis of the current ratio will tell you that the company’s liquidity has gotten just a little bit better between 2020 and 2021 since it rose from 1.18X to 1.31X. Like any ratio, the quick ratio is more beneficial if itโ€™s calculated on a regular basis, so you can determine whether your number is going up down, or remaining the same. You would not include prepaid insurance, employee advances, and inventory assets since none of those items can be quickly converted to cash. Net credit sales are sales you make where you donโ€™t collect the cash upfront. This ratio highlights how effectively your business collects debts. A higher ratio signifies efficient collection practices, meaning that your sales are quickly converted into cash.

financial ratios examples

Key coverage ratios include the debt coverage ratio, interest coverage, fixed charge coverage, and EBIDTA coverage. This ratio measures profitability gained by a company using its assets and liabilities. It measures a companyโ€™s profitability against its book value, this is the biggest limitation of this ratio too.

What is Ratio Analysis?

These ratios compare the debt levels of a company to its assets, equity, or annual earnings. The equity of an organization is calculated by subtracting its total assets from total liabilities. Total equity includes all the shareholdersโ€™ equity and the general reserves of a company.

financial ratios examples

It is the ratio of cash flows and market capitalization of a company. ROCE for capital-intensive businesses is generally very low compared to asset-light companies making the same amount of profits because a capital-intensive business generally has more assets. Operating margin shows how efficiently a company is managing its operational expenses to maximize net profit and boost future growth.

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This method of analysis shows you how to look at the return on assets in the context of both the net profit margin and the total asset turnover ratio. Financial ratios allow for a comprehensive analysis of a companyโ€™s financial condition by comparing different financial metrics. Efficiency ratios measure how well the business is using its assets and liabilities to generate sales and earn profits. They calculate the use of inventory, machinery utilization, turnover of liabilities, as well as the usage of equity.

financial ratios examples

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